

Payment of University Charges
All accounts are to be paid in full by June 15 for the summer session, 秋季学期为8月5日,春季学期为1月15日. Methods of payment accepted include:

  • 支票或汇票 payable to 十大网赌正规网址, mailed to:

Attention Student 金融服务
604 E. 学院大街.
North 曼彻斯特, IN 46962

  • 亲身付款 - Check, cash, or money order
    Payments can be made Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. 到5点.m. 位于行政大楼低层的学生金融服务办公室.

  • Online Payment Options through the Student Account Center
    Students can access the Student Account Center through ChetNet. 已被添加为授权用户的家长/其他人可以通过学生财务服务网站访问.
      • 电子支票 Make payment of any amount using an e-check. There is no fee for this service.
      • 信用卡或借记卡 使用Visa、万事达、Discover或美国运通卡在线支付任何金额. Please note that a convenience fee of 2.75% or a minimum of $3.$ 00(以较高者为准)将会被Pay Path收取处理信用卡或借记卡付款的费用. 十大网赌正规网址不会收到这笔不可退还费用的任何部分.
  • Monthly payment options - See the Spartan Payment Plans. 十大网赌正规网址提供斯巴达还款计划,免息,每月付款. Yearly and semester only plans are available. Student and parents will enroll through the Student Account Center. Full details are available at www.曼彻斯特.edu/sfs/spartanpayplan.htm.

未支付余额的学生可能会失去当前的注册资格,并且不允许注册任何后续学期. 成绩单和文凭将不提供给尚未完成学业的学生, which may include collection fees, 的律师费, 以及诉讼费.

Students are not fully registered, 在支付费用之前,他们也没有上课或使用大学设施的特权. 服务费1元.5%或30美元, 取较大的, 是否可加到每月最后一个工作天学生帐户的未付余额内.

In the case of official withdrawal from the University, 退款, less a cancellation fee, is made according to the following schedules:

Fall and/or spring semester refund schedule:

  • Withdrawal before the official start of classes: 100 percent refund
  • 在更改课程期间提现:100%退款减去250美元的取消费用
  • 第一周和第二周(4-10个上课日)退课:75%退款
  • Withdrawal during the third and fourth weeks: 50 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during the fifth and sixth weeks: 25 percent refund
  • Withdrawal after the sixth week: NO REFUND

Six-week online summer session refund schedule:

  • Withdrawal before the official start of classes: 100 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during Change of Course day: 100 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during class days 1 - 4: 75 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during class days 5 - 8: 50 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during class day 9 - 12: 25 percent refund
  • Withdrawal after class day 12: NO REFUND


学生必须提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA),以考虑学生贷款资格. 有关经济援助的问题应向学生金融服务中心提出, 十大网赌正规网址, 604 E. 学院大街., North 曼彻斯特, Indiana 46962. 电话:260-982-5066.


Meal plans can be purchased for the University dining service. Meal plan purchase is optional.

Information Technology 服务

十大网赌正规网址的计算设施包括50多台服务器和750台基于windows的计算机. 这些计算机中有200多台可供学生使用,分布在校园内不同的计算机实验室. Providing oversight for all computer technology, 信息技术服务部(ITS)设在克拉克计算机中心.

To utilize the available computers, 每一个学生, 教师, and staff member is provided a network account. 附加到每个网络帐户是一个电子邮件帐户和访问ChetNet. ChetNet是大学网络的门户网站,提供校园信息, 文档管理, 虚拟存储空间, and access to a variety of support services, plus administrative and software applications. It also provides access to D2L, a software system designed to support teaching, 学习, and online course content.

ITS服务台每周6天为所有项目参与者提供有关大学计算机网络硬件和软件的问题. ITS 帮助台 offers in-person advice, with email and phone assistance available for those located off-campus, 和一个 其网站上 快速参考.


The library provides materials to serve the University curriculum, 书目和馆际互借支持研究和使用信息资源的教学. 图书馆 services are available on-site, as well as online through the Funderburg图书馆 website. 三名图书馆员管理图书馆服务和资源的现场和虚拟阵列.

Funderburg’s three floors can accommodate more than 200 students. 舒适的休闲阅读区与专门的电脑区相平衡, audio and video equipment, 小组会议, 下班后的学习. Special collections include the University archives, Brethren historical materials, and the peace studies collection.




十大网赌正规网址有政策和指导方针来定义大学社区的行为,并管理其成员的权利和期望. , 学生手册, 提供适用于大学社区成员的所有政策的清单和基本原理. More details are available at www.曼彻斯特.edu/_img/thesource.pdf.


大学保留在任何时间开除或停学任何学生的权利, in the judgment of University authorities, such action is advisable. Upon registration at 十大网赌正规网址, the student expressly concedes this right to the University. It is understood that attendance at 十大网赌正规网址 is a privilege, 不是权利, 如果学生不遵守十大网赌正规网址的目标或政策,这一特权将被取消.

在校园内使用汽车和其他交通工具,须遵守学校颁布的规定 . 所有的学生, 教职员工的车辆必须登记并贴有标识牌/吊牌, obtained at the Department of Campus Safety, 克拉克计算机中心. Vehicle owners will be held responsible for the proper use of their cars, even when driven by other people.

所有MAT学生都必须完成一份健康记录,其中包括个人历史, 物理, and immunization record (required: meningitis, 两个麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹, 10年内破伤风-白喉及最近一年内结核菌素皮肤试验). 健康记录表在入学前由健康服务办公室发送给学生. It is also located on the Health Service web site. 完整的健康记录表必须在第一学期课程开始之前与大学存档.

Privacy and Student Records
十大网赌正规网址 collects, 记录和使用学生的信息来完成其教育使命. 大学承认有责任保护学生在学术和个人记录方面的隐私权. 学生可以查阅自己的官方教育记录中的信息, 纠正或删除在其记录中发现的不准确之处的程序, 并且在一定程度上控制从他们的记录中释放信息.

某些个人信息被视为目录信息,可能未经学生许可而被发布. 这些包括名称, 出席日期, 度了, 本地和家庭地址, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 主要, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight and honors received.

A student has the right to request in writing, prior to the first day of classes of any semester, 任何列入目录信息的项目,未经本人同意不得对外发布.

